PETlife Electrolyte Blood-Gas Analyzer
When it comes to testing electrolytes, basic blood-gas, renal function, and metabolism, Wondfo’s PETlife Electrolyte Blood-Gas Analyzer provides the user with convenient, efficient, maintenance-free testing in-house. With a wide sample selection consisting of arterial blood, veinous blood or capillary blood, the convenient table-top analyzer meets the user’s clinical needs.
*We are currently in production on new packaging featuring a fresh look and improved design. No matter which packages you receive, the products inside are the same Wondfo quality you’ve come to know and trust. Thank you for your purchase.
Testing Packages
pH | pCO2 | pO2 | K+ | Na+ | Ca++ |
BGDR-10 |
10 Measurement Items +23 Calculation Items
pH | pCO2 | pO2 | K+ | Na+ | Ca++ | Cl- | Hct | GLU | LAC |
cH+ | cH+(T) | PH(T) | pCO2(T) | pO2(T) | HCO3 act | HCO3 std | BB(B) | BE(ecf) | ctCO2 | ca++ | AnGap | tHb(est) | SO2(est) | pO2(A-a) | pO2(A-a)(T) | pO2(A/a) | pO2(A/a)(T) | RI | RI(T) | pO2/FIO2 | pO2(T)/FIO2 |
Product Inquiry Form
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