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HORMONElife Ultra Accurate Ovulation Test Strip

Available in multiple configurations*

HORMONElife Ultra Accurate Tests helps you identify the surge in LH that typically precedes ovulation by about 24 to 48 hours.

  • Ultra Accurate: Help “Trying to Conceive” women to find the day they ovulate more accurately, increasing their chance of predicting 2 most fertile days even if their cycle lengths vary every month.
  • Easy to Use: Dip the test strip into the urine for 10 seconds and read the result within 5-10 minutes. Compare the T line with the included color chart. Log your LH level on the fertility chart every day to predict ovulation.
  • Quantitative Result: Detect LH concentration range from 2.5 to 65mIU/ml. Numerical test results can better help pinpoint your 2 peak fertile days.
  • 100% Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed- We are dedicated to becoming the best home test provider. Don’t hesitate to contact our experienced and professional customer service with any questions you may have. Refunds or returns for defective products are acceptable.

*We are currently in production on new packaging featuring a fresh look and improved design. No matter which packages you receive, the products inside are the same Wondfo quality you’ve come to know and trust. Thank you for your purchase.